Privacy Policy

At IDM our goal is to provide the highest quality service and products offered by any technology company. We believe that all our business practices should be friendly, safe and private. For this reason we are committed to our Privacy and Safety Policy.

Like any other business relationship it might be some ideas and private information that will be exchanged between IDM and its clients. Information is collected for the sole purpose of providing the best highest services to our clients.

At no time will your ideas, email address, personal mailing information, and financial information be shared, sold or provided to a third party, unless such a party has been contracted by IDM for the purpose of completing large projects. In all such our client will be aware of complete details of information used by our partners.

From time to time IDM will use its client list to remind you of upcoming events and or specials. At any time you may request that all or part of your information be removed form our database.

It is our intention to provide you with the best service a technology company can. We will not purposely deceive or mislead our clients.